Tuesday 23 April 2013

Happy St.Georges day!

Hey everyone its savannahshelby here I am here to say Happy St.Georges day and on this amazing day nothing good has happened for example: I got bullied, hurt and my citizenship expired worse day ever I heard St.georges day was made to bring you luck... Oh never mind :)

The reason why we have st.georges day (this is what I got taught) it that george killed a dragon, hmm... I don't know but you believe what you want to believe just don't mind me hehe xx


chobots rocks

Hey its mia here just wanted to do a quick shout out Chobots is a safe fun game to play on and you can learn chat and make new friends everyday.

Lots of love

-mia1st xx

Updated by savannahshelby to correct grammar and add a picture and correct the places of the writing.

Happy st. georges day...

To all the cho-girls and boys happy st.georges day

Because there was a party for earth day and st.patricks day
I am pretty sure there will be a st.georges party

oh and just to let you know savannahshelby is not a citizen any more so she is like me again :D yay


Monday 22 April 2013

Agents recommendations round 2

Hello cho-girls and boys we have the 7 choboters here ready to be agents looking out for cho-city helping, smiling making that special day everyday, who do you think it is?

Choices only aloud to pick 2:






How to choose for the people you want?! Click the "Click me button to vote"

Click me to vote  

Well done for the people who got through to round 2 never mind if you didn't keep trying, Good luck to Wolfyy, Caramel1011, Adster015, Cooldudexd, Kelly123, Program and Theufo.

People were asking me "who did you pick" "vote for this person" I said nope I have the 2 people I picked and I am not saying because I don't want others to see it as favoritism (some people might) and I want it as a secret :)


Fashion Week on chobots

Hey guys savannahshelby here as normal Chobots have decided we should do a fashion show! Yay!? This should be interesting right? Think positive yes it should, the person who matches the most fashion show outfits out of the whole week wins a prize, -claps- Yippee this is going to be fun! ok so

Today(Monday):Animal/Green theme
Tuesday:Black and white 
Wednesday:Opposite genders(if your a girl you change into boy clothes for the day if your a boy change to girl clothes for the day)
Thursday:Blast from the past (old but gold-old items not in shop anymore-)
Friday: Your signature style (your style, mine is always in fashion)
Saturday: Futuristic (things you might think that will be here in the future, if you don't know just wear no clothes because I know that will stay the same xD)
Sunday: A big fashion show in a new room (don't panic if you crash it will be lagged a lot because lots of people will be there)

Each day a moderator will judge who is dressed the most correct to the theme, as I already said the best gets a prize at the end of the week! 

See you around, if you need help with the themes message me when I am on and I will buy some items and gift them to you


Citzen party pictures

Here are some pictures I took at the Citzen party it was amazing no juniors and there was no one that I saw asking for rain!? Brilliant it must be those juniors who ask for rain xD just kidding :P

Hope you like the pictures (for people who didn't come or want to use for their blog)

There will be more party's in the future for everyone juniors and there will be more citizen party's if you want to attend these party's maybe buy citizenship if you live in uk its like £3.50 for 1 month good price visit the website :) http://chobots.net/citizenship/ 

If you wish to use these photo's for your blog your more than welcome to!


Earth day party

Hello as your probably aware of today is Earth day! so to celebrate this Chobots is having a party... WOOP WOOP

There is going to be rain,music and magic and probably some quiz's but before you go I want you to make sure you read the important notice in pink down below these messages!

Location: Eco shop (any more green) xD
Time: 9:00 cho-time/ 21:00 cho-time :)
Day: Today :D

wear some "Green" Items maybe you will stand out?

Important notice: I would like to notify the people ready this that party's are not just for the fun its for the happiness meeting new friends and most of all enjoying your self its not for rain and this is a message I received and it said "If anyone is caught asking for rain REPORT them immediately and inform a staff" so there is your word of warning 

