Monday 22 April 2013

Earth day party

Hello as your probably aware of today is Earth day! so to celebrate this Chobots is having a party... WOOP WOOP

There is going to be rain,music and magic and probably some quiz's but before you go I want you to make sure you read the important notice in pink down below these messages!

Location: Eco shop (any more green) xD
Time: 9:00 cho-time/ 21:00 cho-time :)
Day: Today :D

wear some "Green" Items maybe you will stand out?

Important notice: I would like to notify the people ready this that party's are not just for the fun its for the happiness meeting new friends and most of all enjoying your self its not for rain and this is a message I received and it said "If anyone is caught asking for rain REPORT them immediately and inform a staff" so there is your word of warning 



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